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How to Get the Key in Black Puffle Rescue

Beta Testers Needed!!

Posted on March 13, 2010 by Slidoo

If you don't know, in the begining of August 2010 this blog will PROBABLY be shut down, because I have a new blog for mostly club penguin, but also a bit of poptropica and bin weevils (still debating about bin weevils) The blog is going to be really cool. With really cool features, but I need beta testers!  There are sevral pages that need to be tested, so I will make beta tester groups that will test certain parts.  If you want to test, leave a comment here!  I will notify you on what group your in, and later today or tomorrow I will post what each group will be testing!  My new blog is… that's right!  I'm going back to Blogger!


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EVEN MORE Club Penguin Toys!

Posted on March 13, 2010 by Slidoo

So, there are even more toys that will be released very soon!  The first one is one that… already has been released.  Why is Disney re-releasing it?  That is unknown.

The second one is a cool red puffle beach towel!

Cool huh?  The last one is something really neat for a nintendo DS or DSi!  It is the starter kit!

The starter kit comes with:

1 DSi stylus and screen guard

1 DS lite stylus and screen guard

1 case that holds a DSi or DS lite and is zippered

3 Nintendo DS game cards

1 screen cleaning cloth

Like those toys?  Go to Mimo777's other cool site, Disney club penguin toys at!


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Item Isn't Available Glitch, and EPF DS Case ****UPDATED****

Posted on March 12, 2010 by Slidoo

They came out with a cool Nintendo DS/DSi case for the EPF game!

It'll be released on June 7, 2010!  Do you think you will buy this case?

Also, as most of us know, there are currently 3 pins out right now.  The buckle boot is the new one, and the feather is here because it goes with the play "Secrets of the Bamboo Forest".  But, the wagon pin shouldn't still be here!  It is in the ski lodge.  If you DON'T ALREADY HAVE IT, and you walk up to get it, it says "THIS ITEM IS CURRENTLY UNAVAILABLE!" Club Penguin must be having problems getting rid of it!  I wonder what's going on.  What do you think?  Here is the picture of the notice:

Ok… a little weird… and what's that little code in the bottom right hand corner that I outlined in black?  Is it saying the error is a 402 error?  If so, what's with the s?  What do you think?


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More Updates!

Posted on March 11, 2010 by Slidoo

Like I promised, I would post more updates on video!  Here it is:

So, there are THREE PINS out at once!! The feather is there because the secrets of the bamboo forest is still here, and it goes along with that… but what's with the wagon?

If you can't see clearly, the first event in the video is the Catalog cheats of the March/April 2010 Furniture catalog cheats.  The second event is I show you the mine cunstruction which was just launched (Thanks, Slippeestars!) And the third event is I show you the three pins! (an error went on for the feather and it wouldn't load… sorry!)


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Club Penguin New Toys! More Updates Coming! ****UPDATED MAR. 11, 5:42 PM****

Posted on March 11, 2010 by Slidoo

There are lots of new toys out in Club Penguin!

Here are the figures:

Umm… we already have that club penguin!  Why are they re-releasing it?

That one already exsits, too!  What's with that?  Here are the new plush puffles:

What is your favourite?  I like the white one!  Here are the new plush penguins:

And, a little while ago I posted a sneak peak of the new puffle clips!  Well, here they are!

Why are there only four?  Well, Disney is probably wanting to see if they will sell well.  If they do, they will probably make more in the future!  What do you think of these new toys?

Also, a few minutes ago club penguin made more updates… I made a video.  I am currently waiting for it to upload, and when it does, I will post it!  There are 3 new cheats/updates! Stay tuned!!


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Posted on March 11, 2010 by Slidoo

In the next week or two there are a lot of major events happening in Club Penguin!  The first one is the new game called Puffle rescue!

It will be in the mine caves, which will open up on March 15!

Wow!  It looks like there is some construction going on in the mine!

Or… not…

Ooook… well in the new game, you will have to rescue puffles, including yarr…

Uhh… we already found Yarr!  I met Rockhopper and we saw Yarr just bouncing around in the mine, and Rockhopper picked him up and went walking with him! FAIL!  So, if we will have to find yarr.  Ook.

Well, Rockhopper leaves on March 14…

and the new game where we have to rescue yarr and other puffles starts on March 15…

so Rockhopper is leaving WITHOUT YARR! FAIL!!!

Ok, well the penguin play awards are going to start on march 19.  The catagories are…

Best Play

Best Set

Best Music

Best special effects

Best costumes

The awards are going to be really cool!  Last year members could party backstage where there was a huge fish tank, and some cool couches.  We got chances to meet our favourite club penguin mascots, Cadence, Gary, Aunt Arctic, and the penguin band!  I hope we will get to do that again!

 I have started up a club penguin army called the Marshmallows.  Join for free today at

Finally, I realized that the caves aren't opening up until 3 days AFTER the youtube party was scheduled!  So, here is the NEW information about my Youtube party:

Please come!!


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Screenhog On Night Club Secrets! Carnival Sculpture! MOD Changes! ****UPDATED MAR. 10, 5:00 PM*****

Posted on March 10, 2010 by Slidoo

So, Screenhog says that when 1 the majority of the penguins in the nightclub are a certain colour, the lights turn that colour!  We kinda knew that!  They say a lot is happening in the Nightclub… but think about it… what exactly is happening?

They mention the green puffle, and how it is missing, but nothing's really happening!

Remember when we got to vote for an ice sculpture that people would make in Quebec's Carnival?  Carnival is the largest winter carnival ever!  They have ice sculptures, contests, food, and more fun! Well, our pick, The Rocker won!!  Here is what is looked like:

Cool huh?  You can't really see much in that picture…

Also, Mimo had a quickee party on Planet Cazmo earlier today, and I went!  My first time on Planet Cazmo! (can't say I'm liking it…) but I did get to add Mimo!!

Have you ever met Mimo anywhere?  He's pretty cool!!  He also commented on my site in the last post!  THANKS MIMO!!

I have made MAJOR changes to my Comment MODS!  Here they are:

Hnwjanuary11 (old top mod) is no longer allowed to comment, so she is down to a: Almost Gone

which means you will soon be kicked off the MOD list!

Policeman655 quit club penguin, and is now a: Almost Gone

Racket2000 quit club penguin and is now a: Almost Gone

Polkadotblu9 has moved up to top MOD!

Notepad333 has moved up to Supreme MOD!

Queen Binawa has moved up to a Super MOD!

Harman71488 has moved up to a Super MOD!

Toysgoneby never seems to be commenting! He is now a: Almost Gone

Mimo777 commented and is just plain awesome! He is now a MOD (even though he probably won't ever comment again! It's just cool to have him on there…)

Lemon2608 became a MOD!  She answered questions and is nice to everyone!

Podlepops became a MOD!

Great job to everyone who became a mod and those who moved up in the MODDING list!!  You can see all my comment MODS in the right sidebar.


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Youtube Party Coming Soon!

Posted on March 9, 2010 by Slidoo

So, I am having a party on club penguin!!  And, it will be recorded and put on Youtube!!!  I hope you can make it!

Please tell everyone about it!!

Also, a few minutes ago you may have seen a post that I was randomly recording… well I did, and it'll be on my youtube channel shortly!!

Check back randomly!  I'll be doing random recordings about three times a month!


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Game Coming Later this Week!!

Posted on March 8, 2010 by Slidoo

Club Penguin says that the new game will be in the caves, which will open up later this week!!! The game will be with them!!  What do you think? Sorry for such a short post, I'm only allowed on the computer for around 20 minutes a day every day this week…:(


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Posted on March 7, 2010 by Slidoo

I'm staying at this web address.  I was only moving because I hate my web address right now, but that's ok.  There was no other point…



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How to Get the Key in Black Puffle Rescue
